


  1. Is there an Official FAQ?
  2. OpenGL FAQs
  3. Other Java FAQs
  4. Mailing lists and newsgroups
  5. Tutorials

Return to the main FAQ page for more questions and answers.


1. Is there an Official FAQ?

There is none that we know of. There are a couple of other small efforts, but nothing officially blessed by Sun right now.


2. OpenGL FAQs

Head over to and look at their FAQ Section.


3. Other Java FAQs

The Java Programmers FAQ maintained by Peter van der Linden is a great resource for Java programming in general.

jGuru maintains a growing collection of community driven FAQs at If you don't find the answer there, you can always ask. In particular, Bill Day runs the Java Media APIs FAQ that includes quite a number of questions on Java 3D.

Another interesting site is the Java Infrequently Asked Questions


4. Mailing lists and newsgroups

The primary home for discussions about JOGL and LWJGL APIs are the forums on the website. Each has their own forum: JOGL. LWJGL.

The USENET newsgroup also provides a resource for further information and questions.


5. Tutorials

From what we can find, there are no large tutorial collections currently available. Most tutorials are conversions of C or C++ code, but without a separate set of documentation (for example the java port of the NeHe tutorials. In general, any decent C/C++ tutorial will be applicable to the Java versions as well, with some differences for the basic context setup etc. For example, the OpenGL Red Book will be sufficient for when you get past the basic screen setup and render loop needs.

Our own tutorials section is rather small right now, but we're working on adding more content.

The following general 3D tutorials are available: